eLumen is the official repository used by Mendocino College for all active course outlines. Students, staff, management and the general public can view the Course Outline of Records without a log in. eLumen works best in the Chrome web browser.

Mendocino College faculty can complete course modifications, course proposals and review Course Outline of Records, by logging into the  eLumen site. eLumen works best in the Chrome web browser.

  • use your log in credentials for the college (do not need to include @mendocino.edu)
  • use college password
  • use the eLumen Curriculum Originator Guide for assistance in creating and modifying courses

For additional information on eLumen:
Curriculum Technician - Amy Nelson 707.468.3016 or anelson@mendocino.edu


  1. Curriculum Committee
  2. Curriculum Agendas
  3. Curriculum Minutes
  4. Curriculum Forms
  5. General Resources

Curriculum Committee

Curriculum Agendas

August 23, 2024

Curriculum Minutes


Curriculum Forms


Content Review, Distance Education Addendum, General Education and Institutional Requirement forms are available through Dynamic Forms. Faculty will need to use the links provided and log onto Dynamic Forms using college credentials. Once the form is submitted, the Curriculum Chair will review and send the form onto the Tech Review and Curriculum Committees for consideration. The Curriculum Chair will contact faculty if additional information is needed.  

A Content Review is needed when requesting Prerequisites, Corequisites and/or Advisories for courses.  

A Distance Education Addendum is needed when requesting a course to be considered as a Distance Education or Hybrid course.  

General Education and Institutional Requirements proposal forms are needed when requesting that a course be considered for Mendocino College local General Education and Institutional Requirements.  

General Education Area A: Natural Science
General Education Area B-1: Social Sciences- American Institutions
General Education Area B-2: Social Sciences- Social and Behavior Sciences
General Education Area C: Humanities
General Education Area D-1: Language and Rationality- English Composition
General Education Area D-2: Language and Rationality- Communication and Analytical Thinking
Institutional Requirement: Studies in Culture
Institutional Requirement: Wellness
Institutional Requirement: Mathematics Competency
Institutional Requirement: Reading and Written Expression   


For additional information on these forms, please contact: 

Curriculum Chair- Neeka Aguirre, naguirre@mendocino.edu

Curriculum Technician- Amy Nelson, anelson@mendocino.edu  

General Resources


For assistance in completing the 5 year review for Curriculum:

For Assistance in completing a Cultural Audit on the Course Outline of Record

For assistance in proposing programs including AD-T, degrees and certificates:

Assistance in revising programs:

Additional resources related to Curriculum:


Staff & Faculty

Neeka Aguirre is the current Chair of the History Department at Mendocino College and teaches World History, Western Civilization, Women in US History and US History. She moved to Mendocino County wi...
Neeka Aguirre is the current Chair of the History Department at Mendocino Colleg...
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Neeka Aquirre