Once an enrollment period begins, admitted students may add classes online through MyMendo or in person at the Office of Admissions and Records on the Ukiah Campus or at the registration desk at the Coast Center, Lakeport Center or North County Center.

A full student program consists of 12 to 18 semester units. Most full-time students will enroll for an average of 15 units each semester in order to complete a 60-unit degree program in the recommended four-semester sequence. Students desiring to enroll in more than 18 units must obtain approval from a counselor.
A student is expected to spend two hours in preparation for each hour of class lecture or recitation. If students enroll for 12 units, they should plan to spend at least 24 hours a week for class preparation.
Course Repetition
A course repetition occurs when a student who has previously received an evaluative symbol (i.e. A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D+, D, D-, F, W, P/NP, CR/NC, RD, I) in a credit course, re-enrolls in that course and receives an evaluative symbol OR attempts a course and receives an evaluative or non-evaluative symbol for the course (i.e. A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D+, D, D-, F, W, P/NP, CR/NC, RD, I) and wishes to enroll again in the same course. All course attempts in a student’s academic record count toward this enrollment limitation.
If a student receives a grade of D, F, NC, NP, or W in a course that is not designated as repeatable the student may repeat the course to improve the grade; however, the listing of the original grade will remain on the student’s permanent record. A student may repeat a course no more than two times (three enrollments total) unless there is another provision that allows the repetition. When a student has repeated courses to alleviate substandard coursework, the first two substandard grades may be excluded in computing the student’s grade point average (GPA). The course repetition will be annotated on the transcript and all work will remain legible insuring a true and complete academic history. The repetition of course policy, applies to courses taken in other accredited colleges or universities and similar policies at other colleges and universities will be honored.
Students attempting a course for the third and final time from which they previously withdrew or received substandard grades, must submit a completed "Final Attempt - Course Repetition" form to the Office of Admissions and Records, or College Center Registration Desk, and the enrollment must be completed with an Admissions and Records staff person. Contact the Office of Admissions and Records for more information.
Course Families are established by the Curriculum Committee, and identified in the college catalog, for active participatory courses in physical education/kinesiology and visual or performing arts with similar educational activities. Although a course cannot be repeated, a student may attempt up to four courses in a subject family. This limitation applies even if the student receives a substandard grade (i.e., D+, D, D-, F, NP, NC) or a W. Enrollment limitations are monitored district wide for a subject family.
Title 5, section 55041-55045 allows repetition of courses where substandard grades have not been received, in cases of special circumstances, and only by petition of the student. Students may be eligible to repeat a course if one of the exceptions below applies. Students must submit a Course Repeat Petition, a written statement, and documentation supporting the reason for the request, to the Office of Admissions and Records or a College Center Registration Desk. Submission of the completed petition does not guarantee approval. Contact the Office of Admissions and Records for more information.
Special circumstances are defined as when the college district:
- finds that the student’s previous grade is, at least in part, the result of extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illness, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student; or
- the course is required for legally mandated training; or
- the course is a special class for students with disabilities which the student needs to repeat for a reason described in Title 5, section 56029; or
- another institution of higher education to which the student seeks to transfer has established a recency requirement which the student will not be able to satisfy without repeating the course in question, and where at least 36 months have elapsed since the student last took the course; or
- finds a significant change in industry or licensure standards necessitates repetition of the course for employment or licensure.
Courses designated as repeatable are identified in the college catalog and shall include the number of times a course may be repeated. Courses may be deemed repeatable if they meet one of the following exceptions:
- Courses for which repetition is necessary to meet the major requirements of CSU or UC for completion of a bachelor’s degree. The District shall retain supporting documentation that verifies that the repetition is necessary to meet the major requirements of CSU or UC for completion of a bachelor’s degree;
- Intercollegiate athletics courses in which a student athlete is enrolled to participate in an organized competitive sport sponsored by the District, or a conditioning course which supports the organized competitive sport; and
- Intercollegiate academic or vocational competition courses designed specifically for participation in nonathletic competitive events between students from different colleges and sanctioned by a formal collegiate or industry governing body. The participation in the event must be directly related to the course content and objectives. Enrollment in these courses is limited to no more than four times, even if the student receives a substandard grade or W during one or more of the enrollments
Audit Classes
Students are allowed to register as auditors in a limited number of classes where the course repetition policy applies if they have previously enrolled for credit for the maximum number of times allowed for the particular course.
The auditing fee is $15 per semester unit plus the student health fee. Students enrolled in credit courses for six or more units shall not be charged a fee to audit three or fewer semester units per semester. Auditing conditions are as follows:
- Auditors must meet the course prerequisites.
- Admission to the class is subject to instructor discretion. Faculty must sign an audit card to show approval for students to attend class as an auditor on a space-available basis. Under no circumstances will an auditor be given preference over a student enrolled for credit. For K-12 students, no Advanced Placement form is required.
- Auditor status is allowed only if: a) the student has exhausted the repeat possibilities available to a credit student; or b) for certain specified courses, instruction could not occur without the participation of the student.
- Auditors will be allowed to register only after the second class meeting.
- Auditing students will not be considered in the number of enrolled students needed for a class to meet.
- A transcript of record will not be maintained.
- Auditors shall provide their own class materials.
- Auditors may not change their status in the course from auditor to credit student or the reverse.
- Audit fees are non-refundable.
Add Classes
Once an enrollment period begins, admitted students may add classes online through MyMendo or in person at the Office of Admissions and Records on the Ukiah Campus or at the registration desk at the Coast Center, Lakeport Center or North County Center.
Mendocino College will continue to accept applications for admission and enroll students in available full-semester length classes through the end of the first week of the semester, and up to the first day of instruction for short classes.
After the first week of the semester (for full-semester classes), or first day of instruction for short classes, students must present a signed registration card to the Office of Admissions and Records to complete enrollment. Students will be allowed to enroll, with instructor of record written permission, prior to the census date of the class.
After the census date, if extenuating circumstances are applicable, you may submit a Late Add Petition to request approval to enroll in a class. Submission of the Late Add Petition does not guarantee enrollment. Please contact the Office of Admissions and Records with questions or for more information about this process.
Prerequisites, Corequisites and Recommended Preparation
It is the intent of Mendocino College to guide students into courses in which they will have the greatest chance for academic success. Therefore, students will find courses which have prerequisites, co-requisites or recommended preparation in their description. Following are the definitions for prerequisites, co-requisites and recommended preparation:
"Prerequisite" is a course requirement that a student must meet in order to demonstrate current readiness for enrollment in a course or educational program.
Completion of the prerequisite is required prior to enrolling in the course. Successful completion of a prerequisite course means a grade of CR, P, or C or greater was earned; C-, D,F, NC, or NP grades are not acceptable.
"Co-requisite" means a course that a student is required to simultaneously take in order to enroll in another course.
"Recommended Preparation" means a condition of enrollment that a student is advised, but not required, to meet before or in conjunction with enrollment in a course or educational program.
If a prerequisite/co-requisite was completed at another accredited college, please completed and submit a Prerequisite Equivalency Form, along with a legible transcript to the Office of Admissions and Records. Transcripts must: indicate the school that issued the transcript, the student's name, and the courses and grades earned
Documents may be submitted in any of the following formats:
- Scanned and emailed to
- Faxed, 707-468-3430
- Hand-delivered to the Office of Admissions and Records on the Ukiah Campus, or registration desk at the Coast Center, Lakeport Center, or North County Center
If you feel you can meet the requirements, or one of the conditions listed below exists, and can provide documentation, then you can challenge a prerequisite or co-requisite. Complete and submit the Prerequisite Challenge Form, written statement, and supporting documentation in any of the following formats:
- Scanned and emailed to
- Faxed, 707-468-3430
- Hand-delivered to the Office of Admissions and Records on the Ukiah Campus, or registration desk at the Coast Center, Lakeport Center, or North County Center
Criteria for challenging a course include:
- The prerequisite or co-requisite has not been established in accordance with the District's process for establishing prerequisites and corequisites.
- The prerequisite or co-requisite is in violation of Title V, Article 55201 Policies for Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Advisories on Recommended Preparation.
- The prerequisite or co-requisite is either unlawfully discriminatory or is being applied in an unlawfully discriminatory manner.
- The student has the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course or program despite not meeting the prerequisite or corequisite.
- The student will be subject to undue delay in attaining the goal of his or her educational plan because the prerequisite or corequisite course has not been made reasonably available.
Some courses may offer a Waitlist in which a realistic number of registration slots beyond the maximum class size will be available to students on a waitlist basis. Registration in such classes is not guaranteed.
The following will guide you through the waitlist process:
If a class fills and a waitlist exists, you will be given the option to be added to the waitlist.
Prior to the start of the semester, if a space becomes available in the class, it will be offered to waitlisted students in the order they added to the waitlist. If you remain on the waitlist the first day of class, attend class to see if the instructor will allow you to register. If waitlisted for an online class, please email the instructor of record to learn if the instructor will allow you to register. -
The course will not appear on your registration statement, but your status can be monitored through the ‘My Classes' option in MyMendo.
If a space becomes available, you will be notified by email of your permission to register. Your status in MyMendo will change from waitlisted to register.
Once granted permission, you will have 24 hours from the time permission is granted to register in the course. If you do not enroll within the 24 hour time period, the permission will expire, you will be dropped from the waitlist, and the available seat offered to the next person on the waitlist. If a space is available, you may add yourself back to the waitlist.
You will not be required to pay fees until you have registered in the course.
Waitlists remain active through the first week of the fall and spring terms.
After the first week of the semester, waitlists for semester-length classes are closed and all students must obtain instructor approval to register. -
The status of the waitlist for summer term classes varies by course. Please contact the Office of Admissions and Records for more information.