Graduation Information
If you believe you are eligible for an associate in arts degree, associate in science degree, certificate of achievement, or certificate of completion, you must apply for graduation. The application can be submitted online through MyMendo, or a paper application submitted by email.
The DEADLINE to apply for your degree or certificate and ensure that your name is included in the 2025 Commencement Program is: Monday, April 21, 2025.
- Online Graduation Application
Log into MyMendo and select Apply for Graduation.
Select the desired program and complete the provided webform.
A brief tutorial is provided for this process or you can contact Admissions and Records with any questions.
- Paper Graduation Application
Print the “Petition to Graduate” and complete the shaded section.
Make an appointment with your counselor to verify you have met all graduation requirements and complete the Petition to Graduate.
When done, please email your completed form to:
An email with your graduation status is sent within 4 weeks of submitting your graduation application.
Please plan to join us to celebrate the achievement of the 2024-2025 graduating class at the fifty-second commencement ceremony! The ceremony will be held at the Stadium Field on the Ukiah Campus Friday, May 23, 2025, at 6:00 PM.
Inclement Weather Plan
In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will take place as planned. Guests, faculty, administrators, and students should dress appropriately for hot weather and bring umbrellas for rain or sun protection, if desired.
Graduate Check-In and Ceremony Line-Up
There is no rehearsal for the ceremony. Graduates may arrive as early as 5:15PM and check-in with staff at the Gymnasium. Please arrive no later than 5:50PM.
At check-in, you will receive a Graduate Announcement Card to complete. This card is used to correctly pronounce your name when you receive your diploma cover.
Graduates will keep their Graduate Announcement Card with them as they form lines (double file). Staff will assist you in finding your place in line. To sit next to another graduate during the ceremony, be sure to stand in front of, or behind that person in line.
Caps and Gowns
Caps, gowns, tassels, and diploma frames may be ordered through Jostens. Ordering information will be added in February 2025. Please check back for details.
Graduation photos for Mendocino College's 2025 Graduation Ceremony will be available for purchase. Ordering information will be added in February 2025. Please check back for details.
Graduation Packets
Graduation Packets will be mailed to all 2024-2025 graduation applicants mid-March 2025.
During the ceremony, graduates will rise a row at a time and file to the front of the stage. They will present their Graduate Announcement Cards to college staff at the stage and move across to the President of the College and other college officials who will present a diploma cover. Graduates will then have their official photo taken and return to their seats.
Whether you attend the ceremony or not, diplomas and certificates are issued within approximately 10 weeks of the end of the semester through Parchment. An electronic diploma/certificate is issued first, and an email notification sent to your college email account when available and the printed diploma/certificate mailed soon after.
Please notify Admissions and Records of any address changes:
Though not required, it is requested that graduating students complete the Mendo Graduating Student Survey. The information provided allows the College to learn about your experience, what went well and what needs improvement. Your thoughtful responses are appreciated!
Please contact Admissions and Records with any questions: