February 2, 2015

Friends of the Mendocino College Library, an affiliate of the Mendocino College Foundation, are hosting author and former Sonoma State University Professor Jonah Raskin for a reading and talk titled “American Writing: the wild and the tame” on Thursday, February 19th at 7 PM in Mendocino College Library room 4210. 

His latest book, A Terrible Beauty: The Wilderness of American Literature, casts a net across the whole continent of North America and explores writers as diverse as Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, F. Scott Fitzgerald and James Fenimore Cooper.  

Jonah Raskin lives in Santa Rosa and is the author of fifteen books, many of them about northern California. They include: Field Days: A Year of Farming, Eating and Drinking Wine in California; Marijuanaland: Dispatches from an American War; and Natives, Newcomers, Exiles, Fugitives: Northern California Writers and Their Work

From 1981 to 2011, Raskin taught in the Communication Studies and the English departments at Sonoma State University. He is the author of six poetry chapbooks, including Rock 'n' Roll Women: Portraits of A Generation. Additionally, he has been a book reviewer for the San Francisco Chronicle and numerous other publications.

This event is free to the public. For more informationcall (707) 468-3051. Mendocino College is located at 1000 Hensley Creek Rd., Ukiah.